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UK Wild capture seafood industry

MCCIP and Seafish have produced a detailed assessment of "climate change adaptation in UK seafood: Understanding and responding to climate change in the UK wild capture seafood industry". 

MCCIP and Seafish have produced a detailed assessment of "climate change adaptation in UK seafood: Understanding and responding to climate change in the UK wild capture seafood industry". 

This assessment involved:

  • Reviewing projected climate change impacts with implications for seafood, and
  • Identifying relevant seafood industry adaptation responses (for industry bodies to take forward)

Working with industry and external consultancy expertise in socio-economic impacts (Stewart Brown Associates), climate change risks to both domestic and international sources of wild capture fisheries [of importance to the UK seafood industry] were explored and adaptation responses identified. This work was formally submitted as an adaptation reporting power (ARP) report under the UK Climate Change Act.

The outputs include a full technical report, as well as a summary for industry practitioners.

Since the publication of this work, Seafish has produced annual watching briefs and an aquaculture adaptation report. Seafish will produce a full update of its wild capture adaptation work in 2023. All published reports can be accessed here