In addition to the comprehensive ‘rolling updates’ of UK marine climate change science, MCCIP periodically produces Special Topic Reports. The topics are informed by conversations with a wide range of end-users and contributing scientists, triggering an in-depth look at a common issue of concern.
This card summarises how our understanding of marine climate change impacts has developed since the first MCCIP report card in 2006 and lessons for science to policy reporting.
The focus of this card is on how climate change could affect the implementation of marine biodiversity legislation – and in particular legislation used to establish marine protected areas.
This card focuses on how climate change is affecting the fish and shellfish we find in our seas, providing opportunities and threats, and what the social and economic consequences could be.
This card looked at five key issues (CO2 and ocean acidification, Arctic sea-ice loss, seabirds and food webs, non-native species, and coastal economies) to show how the interconnected nature of the marine ecosystem magnifies the many discrete impacts of climate change, documented in the MCCIP annual report cards.